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发表于 2015-2-7 09:09:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[p=160, null, left]美国
! p" d7 H* r! q8 Y! I( d% g# k( y5 @[p=160, null, left]ASTM1 |- ~: \8 w, _2 o1 G5 [# G! ~& P
[p=160, null, left]无损检测标准目录
* a- f, e8 \# g. `; G2 N
( k% {, \6 Y1 \4 ?+ I2 r[p=170, null, left]ASTM  6 H( d# n. {6 O  t- z8 I% c9 \
[p=170, null, left]Volume 03.03, October 2005
) H  \  b% c0 @. F0 n. @# T0 v% e[p=170, null, left]Nondestructive Testing
, S) o0 \% ^, W# y
. I4 W2 u7 w# u) E$ s[p=170, null, left]Table of Contents
# C6 Q/ A, _3 e8 P3 s5 I  O$ V
( F# n( R, D( h6 a# ~, X% E9 @[p=170, null, left]2005
7 A4 E: k6 x+ P% y1 j% a5 @+ `[p=170, null, left]年版# J  n/ g; `1 T6 H
[p=170, null, left]ASTM
$ S, H3 f9 A1 g% j7 H0 e[p=170, null, left]标准年鉴8 }9 U! ^: Y" f4 f+ e+ ~
[p=170, null, left]03.03
/ {3 v3 X: R7 E) s% k[p=170, null, left]卷无损检测标准目录
) [+ K# p) }9 R8 f& }/ Z3 E5 ^& o) z+ ]$ B6 O; ]6 L
[p=170, null, left]E0094-04   
5 i7 p# c/ \- F4 }[p=170, null, left]Guide for Radiographic Examination ' ]7 ]  ?0 n9 z0 I
[p=160, null, left]射线照相检测指南% x% l1 z! r  N* C. L

  q) B6 m; e, d5 x0 b4 n% q[p=170, null, left]E0114-95R01   
8 V, Y0 C% A/ r# V5 X2 z[p=170, null, left]Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam Examination by the Contact Method : k- J  i# C  `' {2 _/ M: r
[p=160, null, left]接触式超声脉冲回波直射检测方法
7 I( B$ Y1 O9 X2 V7 [1 w; ]0 w6 f5 u8 u! E- K+ F9 A' E
[p=170, null, left]E0125-63R03   " I+ x2 }( e  `% Y
[p=170, null, left]Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous Castings 9 x0 f, R3 J* H' f
[p=160, null, left]铸铁磁粉显示参考照片
1 b# {8 v$ h* }% D5 f
; m( p3 b) M3 ]0 f6 k[p=170, null, left]E0127-05   
6 ^3 `& y+ a0 N4 r[p=170, null, left]Practice for Fabricating and Checking Aluminum Alloy Ultrasonic Standard Reference Blocks
8 f+ }# V( z* J. r, d7 S& }+ h[p=160, null, left]铝合金超声参考试块制作和校验方法. e$ D8 P$ n% c, _9 ], x0 y
0 N" P) `  e& A5 \8 x; N/ {! z8 X
[p=170, null, left]E0155-00R05E01   
) T: P5 c, F. ?8 f+ j[p=170, null, left]Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings
/ w& m  X8 X/ I& z$ W0 E- v9 U[p=160, null, left]铝和镁铸件检测参考射线照相底片( a8 w3 V& T, J: ?2 F6 m3 Z
5 y# z* n! V+ I  r2 |& K9 e; y+ Q
[p=170, null, left]E0164-03   
" ]* J& O$ K# s4 g/ {. C6 M[p=170, null, left]Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments   t  h5 c9 Y' }2 E( Q& o/ p% C
[p=160, null, left]焊接件接触式超声检测方法
; B5 V/ F2 W$ \& c( z0 ]# h; ?' ^1 P, h% Q9 i# n
[p=170, null, left]E0165-02   9 D+ k9 w' O% {1 K' |
[p=170, null, left]Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination , g8 e; Z5 n+ O: Z+ U
[p=160, null, left]渗透检测方法指南- j+ I$ m0 x  M# ^& g2 r1 z5 V! X
: Z6 Z4 y3 q+ K5 A
[p=170, null, left]E0186-98R04E01   1 u* h$ x, P6 ?0 T3 N
[p=170, null, left]Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 4-in. \[51 to 114-mm\])) Steel Castings , r2 j3 C, X* l; j" l
[p=160, null, left]大厚度(. E6 U  B: {/ ]& S
[p=160, null, left]2
: z5 r0 _8 S( o8 g6 D" I[p=160, null, left]~
2 Z+ Y5 I/ W! N' `$ W[p=160, null, left]4in
0 j" `  W  l1 V+ F9 {; c# G[p=160, null, left],即6 K  g  C5 J8 U( `+ R2 y. L7 }  r" ?& _
[p=160, null, left]51! n# e) A$ M& A. r0 w( J! B
[p=160, null, left]~4 N( M9 `" P+ l& D
[p=160, null, left]114mm
  I( Z' ?; M7 J5 ?- ~/ S4 z) x[p=160, null, left])铸钢件参考射线照相底片
8 j# L% {4 B9 z5 s- L
9 U  m; c4 R' g: j[p=170, null, left]E0192-04   
3 F* p9 T6 }; S' |2 x[p=170, null, left]Reference Radiographs of Investment Steel Castings for Aerospace Applications
1 p- M5 `% _9 h5 t% x! R. ^[p=160, null, left]宇航用熔模铸钢件参考射线照相底片# y& }# h# z6 P9 _
' _" n& U) w) _' a# B

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