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发表于 2016-4-6 20:54:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016 年 2 月 4 日,达索系统宣布全面推出 3DEXPERIENCE 2016x 版。
该版本极大地扩展了 达索系统 的云产品,已成为云端提供的最大产品创新平台产品,包括一个拥有 15 种行业解决方案体验和数百个角色的专用产品组合。例如,这款云产品如今囊括了 达索系统 全部的设计与工程产品组合中的 85% 以上,而且拥有的模拟角色是前一个版本的三倍。
移动性也得到了显著的增强。现已为移动设备优化了 38 个管理和生命周期应用程序以及对大量模拟数据集的分析。
借助 2016x 版,业务决策取得了飞跃式的进步。该版本提供了分析方法来揭示、测量和分析 PLM 数据(无论是在哪里),如针对预先的项目、问题、变化或质量情报。专用的“part reuse analyst”角色让用户能够快速地查找和决定正确的零件,而不管该信息是在企业内部还是外部。此外,该版本不仅为所有的决策者提供了一个增强的切入点,还为企业内部的所有人提供了模拟分析方法和数据情报。
该版本在各个行业中进一步深化了虚拟分身的概念。例如,在包装消费品和零售行业中,该版本提供了特定于商店的货架。生命科学和生物智能行业在虚拟模型(“虚拟分身”的基础)方面展现出巨大的进步。例如,Biologist 角色使研发部门的生物学家能够设计和模拟生物学通路;可以通过执行虚拟实验来模拟病理性扰动或药物影响。, h+ ]/ G6 v# m' i8 D9 g+ d: d: ?
6 @4 ~* a! N2 s' R
新增了机器人钻孔和铆接功能: k* h7 a, {) K7 l0 x  `' r
机器人和 NC 编程人员如今能够对复杂的自动钻孔和铆接流程进行编程、模拟和验证。
  \) }( g7 a* j. u( }( b) E
1 B5 G) K2 W9 I- r9 n( z( ?( M
& n* A- M" l1 T3 z3 ^" o% O

( v7 A8 N5 Y0 E' M新增了制造工作指示  ?' H" N" A/ U& k
新增的 3D 制造工作指示包含编写功能和用于交付到车间的可自定义文档提取功能。
" V2 Q* z# `; J6 C  g
0 F7 b: ~9 F. `2 ?( \" Z
0 C& U- f% [2 h  I. m
$ g2 @: V% o7 L$ h

! q, Q2 G" U; F/ Z4 C( X9 y+ P* c4 P; o8 T) l8 q

9 r3 b; v. a% Q$ W$ M% G( L# k7 h新增的流程规划解决方案扩展到了重工业领域" {! C( M# l) }* `# n0 m4 @  _
9 Z0 s7 ]6 p' D0 f
, ?$ f; @  i( a! d1 W
$ x' `- Y* ?  L+ x& t0 j

4 J/ X5 v: y4 w* _9 a# v* o8 h" P& g7 L, W- G, ]- `
8 V7 T3 l' l2 j3 b& w; V1 M
' y- l+ C& I" m0 M) L; O1 G- y' s
' W' E8 B: Z* d! K
为那些处理庞大而又复杂的制造数据集的制造和生产用户提供了更好的性能和更高的效率。+ T2 _: t( @; k  f+ n- @, _
! A5 y8 n# N8 u6 r2 l6 [. e
ENOVIA方面1 p. T( t! K  S6 u; e& g
  • 通过云订阅授权提供的新产品和服务,可提供产品组合计划和各种各样的设计
  • 用于定义产品配置规则的新交互方式
  • 用于跟踪工程交付成果的新仪表板
  • 交付面向零售商店的“精确销售”
  • 自动化材料合规性声明请求
  • 更多已经过调优的项目计划,它们提供了固定的完成日期和独一无二的工作日程表
  • 用于研究和比较 CATIA® 3DEXPERIENCE 备选设计的新方法& U4 y. o" [( I( S% n* U/ E
( a3 z' V. E& Q$ Q
& F0 |8 \+ P8 a. b! A* R4 k
从 R2014x 版本开始,许多独立许可证已整合至单一许可证中,以便管理和定价。 这一目标在 R2016x 中得到进一步实现。 此外,针对所有达索系统许可证的命名方式已作更改以体现软件目标用户的用户角色。 例如,用于规划产品发布和工程 BOM 管理的许可证现分别称为产品管理器产品工程器。 这些只是跨 ENOVIA 支持的 12 个行业、遍布庞大产品开发流程的近 50 个角色中的两个。 某些情况下,较先进或用户不广泛的一些功能作为该角色的可选软件单独提供许可。 如果一位用户获得多个角色的软件许可,那么其用户界面将允许用户轻松选择当前正用于访问所有相应应用程序的角色。
* x) [7 D0 {, S" D0 }+ a& _& a1 w& w8 I% H( D8 f1 x& o0 y/ ]$ N
2 H4 }+ N$ m% z$ w' E& R8 {% j
CATIA Design Portfolio introduces a new mannequin tailored for industrial design
7 K% c2 D8 M9 o+ H
In release 2016x, CATIA Design Portfolio introduces a new mannequin tailored for industrial design. The new app – CATIA Human Design – provides the creative designer with a human centric approach as reference within the design workflow. This enables to take into account in a very simple manner the body of a person right into the early phase of the design concept of a product. For instance, the user can chose among various human body types, proportion, make up (skin complexion, facial features, etc.) or identity. Body postures can be edited very easily using the 3D robot on each joint of the human body.

) _( E  a* ^3 R2 Q4 g( _( Y6 u- O
* ]6 Z8 J- f/ y+ j* `- }' I

) O0 K( `( X7 \% Y# A, HNew Structural Package Designer Role
1 s, A( e1 X6 h
Structural Package Designer is a new role which covers the complete design process of consumer good’ package, from the ideation phase, to product development, to the communication to production planning. Sketches and conceptual bent design can be performed and, a detailed folded and unfolded view of the package structure can be created onto the product itself. This, along with a rendering, can then be sent to the production planning.

# ?3 w0 h6 N+ J/ I) h8 i+ D2 d! M6 g# h+ j5 J9 @" t) g

5 t$ Y1 N* @5 b4 }/ B8 R: j* ?6 A' K5 L) m  k
5 z" a+ O' A( O0 a/ N! p0 U

+ C  }  z4 t0 j* w) ^) D7 O/ N! b( r+ \# R0 V* W
New Design Review Preparation Role5 Q6 X! S  @) D! z8 l, r  T
Design Review Preparation is a new role that allows to prepare the manufacturing of a design. It allows to review, annotate, and create additional geometries specifically for manufacturing departments, so as to avoid modifications of the 3DMaster product definition. So doing, users can comply with FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) certification policies which require there be only one model and one modifier, during the entire development, deployment, manufacturing and management lifecycle. Manufacturing departments will also have read-only access to the complete geometric and technologic product 3D definition.

+ {! g7 s0 D  I5 P* ?( L  t* j" w3 j& I2 J
) q' _# r: s5 o9 @
4 J6 w( M- @. ]3 Y3 x3 |

7 ~" g6 V" ~, p* t/ G6 M, A! ]
, F2 A- d: s* E3 A6 b( V) I8 C$ s! A4 A0 l: y
New Composites Laser Projection Operator Role
, p" H8 t* |  F  _/ b! Y2 R, s
CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE introduces a new Role. Composites Laser Projection Operator. It gives to manufacturing operators the capability to generate and edit laser projection files to the shop floor. It is fully integrated in the Composites Manufacturing Prepration Role.
0 Y% I2 n4 u$ ^8 \' t) i; y
/ A0 [; \7 _& `( k
: r+ t* j7 A) ^* a  i* }8 `
. x+ Y+ K1 Q3 i+ r7 ]) x' W7 a$ F4 g

& H+ |5 g! n' ^" l# _5 C3 p1 `0 V8 A- u/ ]; C

. S6 p6 L4 O2 p8 t/ ^New Modelica libraries0 ^) o6 a5 h. O) K, X1 B( E; t
The release 2016x brings new libraries to rapidly model, simulate and validate complex engineering systems. In the context of the virtual twin, smart, connected objects such as autonomous driving systems are increasingly showing their potential. CATIA in this release delivers 3 new libraries. Human comfort library to model and analyze the thermal comfort for building and vehicle occupants, Battery library to accelerate the design for the coupled electrical and thermal design of electrical vehicles or mobile equipment and the engine library for modelling both Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition engines. * m6 _2 j6 K) n. @, @& M  X4 ]* I+ ~7 q
钣金设计3 `" S) z, Z9 \6 D6 J
+ U- @* I5 k2 D( ]
2 r- t/ ^- ?" F4 _4 a3dexperience R2016x 塑料模具分模
7 T4 s: s% w: i. K4 T4 r7 ]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTUxMTg2MDgyOA==/v.swf
" g7 }2 x5 d. c
8 G0 i) Z7 c$ n4 E5 ^; k
/ I% q  G0 X, N' b9 A" d" Y' a- M

4 ~; ~& M7 |" k1 w* u5 w
' [3 k0 d# C% a! L% k' i) c/ T2 S, {8 S

* f* B/ V. ?* l0 F7 M7 Y
5 D5 x; g7 S8 }/ Q' P9 X2 S
' T1 x+ |* ]# `/ {- v7 p& x9 V1 e$ H

; {0 E: M, U3 v& k$ _; F' Y/ Q' j* z- C. @- q" q
) \5 ]7 r5 e; w- }* i

3 j+ Z& L* r/ U) H
0 j' x1 k# w( c/ g4 ], k- z) u" {. G

5 Q0 P& F: C0 G( f" G7 C" g$ {9 ]& G$ ?- K% s' \0 I  R" g

: _! G. O# M8 y. Z& b( A8 p4 C
( v3 Q" l! h$ m# ]# G
, j; c6 g0 x9 S3 G+ O" T
- x$ p; s; }1 u* y, A2 u' z5 F) G# K3 V0 f% x

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-1-22 22:08:35 | 显示全部楼层
http://player.youku.com/player.php/Type/Folder/Fid//Ob//sid/XMTUxMTg1OTQ0MA==/v.swf1 Q! _/ W% _  o5 f. C7 o& @
. F9 `2 H% f9 n0 v5 h% W/ `  i
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