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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-20 20:08:27 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-20 20:14:51 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-22 21:24:55 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-22 21:26:59 | 显示全部楼层
8 f" E. q0 R; q! D' k5 j& M
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-22 21:28:38 | 显示全部楼层
齿轮泵的概念是很简单的,即它的最基本形式就是两个尺寸相同的齿轮在一个紧密配合的壳体内相互啮合旋转,这个壳体的内部类似“8”字形,两个齿轮装在里面,齿轮的外径及两侧与壳体紧密配合。来自于挤出机的物料在吸入口进入两个齿轮中间,并充满这一空间,随着齿的旋转沿壳体运动,最后在两齿啮合时排出。 5 ?) |; l! X2 @+ I3 ]
$ c) g+ ?. d3 P0 O
在术语上讲,齿轮泵也叫正排量装置,即像一个缸筒内的活塞,当一个齿进入另一个齿的流体空间时,液体就被机械性地挤排出来。因为液体是不可压缩的,所以液体和齿就不能在同一时间占据同一空间,这样,液体就被排除了。由于齿的不断啮合,这一现象就连续在发生,因而也就在泵的出口提供了一个连续排除量,泵每转一转,排出的量是一样的。随着驱动轴的不间断地旋转,泵也就不间断地排出流体。泵的流量直接与泵的转速有关。 # I' V/ X. r3 s6 R4 c

4 x% Y& z3 e' h  j$ |实际上,在泵内有很少量的流体损失,这使泵的运行效率不能达到100%,因为这些流体被用来润滑轴承及齿轮两侧,而泵体也绝不可能无间隙配合,故不能使流体100%地从出口排出,所以少量的流体损失是必然的。然而泵还是可以良好地运行,对大多数挤出物料来说,仍可以达到93%~98%的效率。 6 x8 [! [$ w' E! l3 B- P. }) d
* ?* x  W* }' [6 @
对于粘度或密度在工艺中有变化的流体,这种泵不会受到太多影响。如果有一个阻尼器,比如在排出口侧放一个滤网或一个限制器,泵则会推动流体通过它们。如果这个阻尼器在工作中变化,亦即如果滤网变脏、堵塞了,或限制器的背压升高了,则泵仍将保持恒定的流量,直至达到装置中最弱的部件的机械极限(通常装有一个扭矩限制器)。 6 W; W+ q4 N! P/ }; o8 S8 Z

+ x( W3 R3 r! Y+ Q# `/ }5 @0 T对于一台泵的转速,实际上是有限制的,这主要取决于工艺流体,如果传送的是油类,泵则能以很高的速度转动,但当流体是一种高粘度的聚合物熔体时,这种限制就会大幅度降低。
3 Q& A' `) k) B5 N4 K" n& x推动高粘流体进入吸入口一侧的两齿空间是非常重要的,如果这一空间没有填充满,则泵就不能排出准确的流量,所以PV值(压力×流速)也是另外一个限制因素,而且是一个工艺变量。由于这些限制,齿轮泵制造商将提供一系列产品,即不同的规格及排量(每转一周所排出的量)。这些泵将与具体的应用工艺相配合,以使系统能力及价格达到最优。 2 K6 a% R5 e6 M$ c3 E

; m. Y9 a: U/ q" K/ Z" d: i7 {PEP-II泵的齿轮与轴共为一体,采用通体淬硬工艺,可获得更长的工作寿命。“D”型轴承结合了强制润滑机理,使聚合物经轴承表面,并返回到泵的进口侧,以确保旋转轴的有效润滑。这一特性减少了聚合物滞留并降解的可能性。精密加工的泵体可使“D”型轴承与齿轮轴精确配合,确保齿轮轴不偏心,以防齿轮磨损。Parkool密封结构与聚四氟唇型密封共同构成水冷密封。这种密封实际上并不接触轴的表面,它的密封原理是将聚合物冷却到半熔融状态而形成自密封。也可以采用Rheoseal密封,它在轴封内表上加工有反向螺旋槽,可使聚合物被反压回到进口。为便于安装,制造商设计了一个环形螺栓安装面,以使与其它设备的法兰安装相配合,这使得筒形法兰的制造更容易。 * G5 K  |& X) N  H, p8 B

( g" L: w- m# C+ _, ^7 z' g9 {PEP-II齿轮泵带有与泵的规格相匹配的加热元件,可供用户选配,这可保证快速加温和热量控制。与泵体内加热方式不同,这些元件的损坏只限于一个板子上,与整个泵无关。
( Z* s! B& Q- d0 @; S7 g: V# }) `8 _2 I  r
/ z% w. G4 r' I& E* E1 pThe concept of gear pump is very simple, that it is two of the most basic form of the same size gear in a close co-operation of mutual engagement with the rotating shell, the shell's internal similar "8" shape, the two gears mounted inside , the diameter of gear and work closely with both sides and shell. From the extruder the material inhaled into the mouth of two intermediate gears, and full of the space, with the teeth along the shell of the rotary movement, the final two hours from the meshing teeth.
- l6 ~# e: ~( C& [1 l& H" `
4 F" x1 f9 G* BSpeaking in terms of gear, also known as positive displacement pump device, that is, inside the cylinder like a piston, when a tooth to another tooth space of the fluid, the liquid was squeezed mechanically to row out. Because the liquid is incompressible, so the liquid and the tooth at the same time will not be able to occupy the same space, so that the liquid has been ruled out. Because of the constant mesh gear, this phenomenon occurs on a row and, therefore, the pump provides a continuous export to exclude the amount of a turn each pump, the volume of discharge is the same. With the continuous rotation of the driveshaft, pump fluid is continuously discharged. Pump flow directly to the speed of the pump.
# h' j2 z' U9 o
! ^& {3 J* a9 [) N. m# y3 pIn fact, there is little pump of the fluid loss, which makes the operation of pumps can not achieve 100% efficiency, as these fluids are used to on both sides of bearing and gear lubrication, and the pump body is also not possible with no gap, it can not be so that 100% of fluid discharged from the export, so a small amount of fluid loss is inevitable. However, a good pump can be run out of material for the majority, will still be able to achieve 93% ~ 98% efficiency. 6 x4 _6 Y) m% y& r+ H' Z
1 h: G1 [( q7 n) \: B. g2 [  q
For the viscosity or density change in the process fluid, the pump will not be affected too much. If there is a damper, for example, in the export side, one row or a limiter filter, pumps will push fluid through them. If the damper changes in their work, that is, if the filters become dirty, blocked, or limiter on the back of the hypertension, the pump will maintain a constant flow, until the device in the weakest parts of the mechanical limit (usually equipped with a torque limiter).
) `" j0 ]  c: j( m9 s  C# a* }
For a pump speed, in fact, there are restrictions, which mainly depends on the process fluid, if the transmission is oil, pump can rotate at high speed, but when the fluid is a high viscosity of the polymer melt, such restrictions will be significantly reduced. ( r( b& |" p+ [' x9 v: ]2 J
Promote blood flow into the intake side of the two tooth space is very important, if not fill in this space is full, the pump will not be able to discharge the flow of accurate, so the value of PV (pressure × velocity) is also a limiting factor, and is a process variable. As a result of these restrictions, gear pump manufacturers will provide a range of products, that is, different specifications and emission (per week to the emission of volume). These pumps will fit the specific application of technology to enable the system to achieve optimal capacity and price.
8 }# G4 o0 ]3 ?. G  K
, t, S$ T9 w5 z: I% X4 ?PEP-II pump shaft gear and a total of one species hardened using technology, will be a longer working life. "D"-type bearing a combination of forced lubrication mechanism, so that the polymer surface by the bearing, and return to the import side of pump to ensure effective lubrication of the rotation axis. This feature reduces the degradation of polymers and the possibility of being stranded. Precision machining of the pump body can "D"-type gear shaft with precision bearings to ensure non-eccentric gear shaft to prevent gear wear. Structure and Parkool PTFE sealing lip sealed water-cooled sealed together. This shaft seal does not actually contact the surface, it is the principle of the sealing polymer to a semi-molten state cooling and the formation of self-sealing. Can also be used Rheoseal sealing, seal it inside the table are reverse spiral groove processing, the polymer can be imported back to the anti-pressure. In order to facilitate the installation, the manufacturer has designed the installation of a ring bolt, so that the flange and install other equipment line, which makes the manufacture of tube flange easier. 3 M$ L7 }! ^7 f, S( N, K! T) ?
% Z/ B( g2 [8 Q+ v
PEP-II with a gear pump with the pump to match the specifications of the heating elements for the user matching, which ensures rapid heating and heat control. Heating the body and pump in different ways, the damage to these components is limited to a board, the pump has nothing to do with the whole.
' {& H/ c. K. v9 y5 Q* Q0 W
9 E3 p5 }, `, |7 ZGear pump by an independent motor drive, to be effective in blocking the upper reaches of the pressure pulsation and flow fluctuations. Gear pump in the outlet of the pressure fluctuation can be controlled within 1%. In the extrusion production line using a gear pump, can increase the output flow rate of material in the extruder to reduce the shear and residence time to reduce the extrusion temperature and pressure fluctuation in order to enhance productivity and product quality
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-22 21:33:15 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-22 21:40:32 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-22 21:42:39 | 显示全部楼层
非常感谢,太好了。太好了 ) ~  S  K& z9 r" q* B6 T
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-23 00:05:50 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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