easylife 发表于 2009-2-4 13:01:43

原帖由 紫木棉 于 2009-2-3 23:58 发表 http://bbs.cmiw.cn/images/common/back.gif

今天看到了一个目前我知道的最薄的2.5"固态硬盘,Intel的产品,主要用在笔记本方面。大概只有6-7mm厚,外壳应该是 ...


easylife 发表于 2009-2-4 13:04:51

原帖由 紫木棉 于 2009-2-4 00:05 发表 http://bbs.cmiw.cn/images/common/back.gif



Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR):
HAMR shows the promises to be the key enabling technology that will increase the areal density to a level breaking through the so-called super paramagnetic limit of magnetic recording. This technology is expected to deliver storage densities as high as 50 terabits per square inch. If disk drives are produced to have such a great areal density, one can store the entire printed contents of the Library of Congress on a single disk drive. If the phenomenal growth rate of bit density continues, the size of an individual bit will soon reach such a small dimension that the bits become magnetically unstable. At that stage, though the bits can be written very tiny, they may not be suitable for information storage as some of them may flip into different polarization. This phenomenon is known as super paramagnetism. This problem can be overcome by heating the medium with a laser beam at the precise spot where a data bit is being recorded and subsequently cooling the spot rapidly to stabilize the written bit. Heating makes it easier to write on the medium. This heat assisted recording can increase the recorded density dramatically.

easylife 发表于 2009-2-4 13:07:27


Patterned Media:
Another promising approach to circumvent the density limitations imposed by the super paramagnetic effect is the use of patterned media. Conventionally, the disk is coated with a thin layer of magnetic alloy. If the disk surface is examined at high magnification, it becomes apparent that within each bit cell there are many tiny magnetic grains. These grains are randomly created during the deposition of the magnetic film. Each grain behaves like an independent magnet whose magnetization can be flipped by the write head during the data writing process. In patterned media, the magnetic alloy is not coated on the entire disk surface. The layer is created as an ordered array of highly uniform tiny islands, each island capable of storing an individual bit. Each bit is stored in a single deliberately formed magnetic switching volume. This may be one grain, or several exchange coupled grains, rather than a collection of random decoupled grains. Single switching volume magnetic islands are formed along circular tracks with regular spacing. Magnetic transitions no longer meander between random grains, but form perfectly distinct oundaries between precisely located islands. Since each island is a single magnetic domain, patterned media is thermally stable, even at densities far higher than can be achieved with conventional media. Though the concept of patterned media looks simple, realization of this to achieve high recording density is immensely challenging. For an areal density of 100 Gbits/square inch, the center to center spacing between two islands need to be 86 nanometers. For 10 terrabits/square inch density, this spacing is only 9 nm. Creating islands of such dimension is beyond
the capabilities of optical lithography. E-beam lithography and nano imprint replication are considered to be two approaches that can be used to realize patterned media commercially.

The HDD industry will soon embrace these and other technologies to manufacture commercially hard disk drives with extremely high areal density. This makes the design of the head positioning servomechanism more challenging. Shrinking bit size also means narrower track pitch. Many disturbances ignored today will ask for special attention at such high track density. Ultra high areal density will also require the head to fly very low such that occasional contact between head and disk will become inevitable. The servomechanism must be robust enough to withstand these unpredictable disturbances.

紫木棉 发表于 2009-2-6 10:40:13


(1) 高温读写,常温保持
  从磁性材料的特性方面着手,寻找更为稳定的磁介质(如铁铂粒子),可以在一定程度上解决超顺磁效应的问题。不过,随之而来的问题是:现有的磁头无法将数据写到这类介质上,于是希捷公司正在研究一种热辅助磁记录技术 (Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording,HAMR),使用激光热辅助手段将数据记录到高稳定性介质上,而且随后的快速冷却又可以使已写入的数据变得稳定。
  不管怎样,目前激光技术完全可以为这一思路提供支援,是一条可行的技术路线。Hitachi-IBM也十分看好这条路线,他们给这项技术的名称是“热辅助记录”(Thermal Assisted Recording,TAR)。
  (2) 纳米磁岛工艺,增加磁颗粒尺寸
  为了提高存储密度,惯常的思路是不断缩小磁颗粒的尺寸,这也是造成超顺磁效应的主要原因。既然如此,如果反其道而行之,岂不是很好?你也许会问:磁颗粒增大对存储密度是否有影响呢?答案是否定的。过去,每个存储单元都是由许许多多的小颗粒组成,如果用一个大颗粒替代成千上万的小颗粒,既不会有热搅动,也不会有磁转变噪音,非常有利于提高磁记录信息的稳定性,也不会对存储密度构成影响。工程师们把这个大颗粒称作“单域磁岛”(single domain magnetic island),或者可以简称“磁岛”,而将这种利用纳米工艺制作的磁记录层称作晶格化磁介质(patterned magnetic media)。

easylife 发表于 2009-2-6 12:21:18

原帖由 紫木棉 于 2009-2-6 10:40 发表 http://bbs.cmiw.cn/images/common/back.gif

(1) 高温读写,常温保持
  从磁性材料的特性方面着手,寻找更为稳定的磁介质(如铁铂粒子),可以在一定程度上解决超顺磁效 ...


紫木棉 发表于 2009-2-9 23:48:38


easylife 发表于 2009-2-11 10:37:32


内部使用Rotary Latch保护磁头臂组在非工作状态,受到较大旋转冲击时不划伤碟片。
设计时考虑非工作状态下,硬盘竖直跌落碟片震荡可能碰到顶盖和盘体,这是不允许的 ....


紫木棉 发表于 2009-2-18 23:34:19


easylife 发表于 2009-2-19 08:05:40

原帖由 紫木棉 于 2009-2-18 23:34 发表 http://bbs.cmiw.cn/images/common/back.gif
温度太高会损害硬盘,那具体这个因为温度升高而引起的硬盘损害表现在那个方面?还有,一般3.5"盘的壳温要求在60摄氏度以下,如果超过这个,将会导致MTBF(年平均故障率)大幅上升,那当壳温达到60摄氏度时,马达的温 ...

硬盘内部有精密注塑的塑料件--Ramp等, 还有起密封作用的橡胶件,以及多种高分子材料合成的软线路板,联接用的各种胶水,轴承内部的润滑油。。。
温度过高,会使得碟片发生膨胀,其径向的膨胀将使得各磁轨相对距离发生变化,若碟片轨密度(TPI-Track per inch)较高,可能造成伺服控制困难--无法找到正确的轨道。


easylife 发表于 2009-2-19 08:30:44

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