面壁深功 发表于 2017-8-24 20:49:10


本帖最后由 面壁深功 于 2017-8-24 20:49 编辑

       这是由英国纳米技术公司Surrey NanoSystems制造的纳米碳管黑体——它比自然界中所有的黑色都要黑,可吸收99.9644%的可见光,是目前世界上已知的最黑的物质。到底有多黑呢,我们看看就知道~乍一看就像一个神秘的黑洞所有表面信息都似乎在一刹那丢失光线到了洞口就像被吞噬了,甚至用红色激光器照射也看不到任何反光的迹象。如此极致的黑是怎么产生的呢?Vantablack由高密度碳纳米管组成,这种纳米管比人类的头发还要细数倍,且间距极小,因此光线不会逃逸,而是被困在材料内部。难怪有人看过之后说:“ 我的眼睛都没法聚焦了。它太黑了,根本看不到任何细节,几乎就像是个黑洞,吸走了所有光线。”他们还用Ventablack制造了一个世界上最黑的杯子。萨里纳米系统公司认为这是一个突破性的的成就,因为这是Ventablack第一次以一个完整产品的面貌呈现在人们面前。目前Vantablack仅用于科研当中,未来或用于军事方面

番茄西瓜 发表于 2017-8-24 23:14:21


未来第一站 发表于 2017-8-24 23:18:28


ZZD00 发表于 2017-8-25 08:42:57


wangpuchao 发表于 2017-8-25 09:26:20

universal 发表于 2017-8-25 13:38:52

A British company says it has scored a breakthrough in the world's darkest material. Surrey NanoSystems describes its development as not just a black material but super-black. They are calling it Vantablack, and they are singling out its ability to be applied to lightweight, temperature-sensitive structures such as aluminum, absorbing 99.96% of incident radiation; that is, they said, believed to be the highest ever recorded. This coating is made of carbon nanotubes – "each 10,000 times thinner than a human hair," wrote Ian Johnston in The Independent on Sunday. It's not what you see; it's what you don't see. If fact, you see nothing, period. "It is so dark that the human eye cannot understand what it is seeing," wrote Johnston. "Shapes and contours are lost, leaving nothing but an apparent abyss."

黑体是热力学概念,翻译成光学概念是译者的无知,”absorbing 99.96% of incident radiation“就变成了可见光,不知怎么译的。
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